Juremy - The Search Tool for EU Translation.
Finding the right terms doesn’t have to be a time‑consuming task.
With Juremy you get instant bilingual term and phrase matches from reliable EU databases – EUR‑Lex and IATE. Benefit from 10× productivity on terminology research in all 24 EU languages.
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Instant Term and Phrase Search in EUR‑Lex and IATE
Game-Changing Search Features
More than 300,000 EU documents at your fingertips!
Official and Reviewed Terminology
Blazing-fast term and phrase search in EUR‑Lex and IATE, with instant bilingual result display.

All 24 official EU languages in any combination. The corpus covers a wide range of legal & other professional topics.

Full Data Privacy
Your query text is securely encrypted in-flight, processed on EU-hosted servers, and is never stored on persistent media.

No retention for QA purposes — in fact no retention at all. Applies to free and paid usage equally.

Concordance Results in Context
Phrase, full-sentence or even fuzzy matches are presented in the specific bilingual paragraph context, with topic markup.

Since Juremy focuses on EU terminology research, it can provide additional, EU-translation focused functionality such as sorting and filtering on document metadata.

CAT Tool Integration
Access Juremy within Trados Studio or with MemoQ, and use Juremy interactively when translating or reviewing a document.

A more ergonomic workflow to find equivalents of EU legislative texts in the target language, and find fuzzy matches in the EU corpus.

Benefits for Your Use Case
EU translation
  • Reliable and efficient term- and phrase search of the EU legal corpus (CELEX sectors 1-6) and IATE

  • Customized for the specific needs of translators working for the bodies of the EU

  • Intelligent search quickly finds translation of a citation that has been slightly rephrased

  • Sorting and filtering by document metadata, date or relevancy

  • Bilingual result view with context and linked document references – CELEX number links to the bilingual view on EUR-Lex

  • Perform more research in a fraction of the time – 10× time saver in legal and EU terminology search

  • No need to open full documents in EUR-Lex

Legal research
  • Fast legal research – Search the EU legislation and jurisprudence in support of your legal arguments

  • Fast search of legal documents in the EU corpus by keyword or document number

  • Reliable search results – only shows documents published on the Commission’s EUR-Lex website

  • Contains 24-language versions of Treaties, Legal acts, Preparatory documents, EU case-law and international agreements

  • Easily searchable database of EU legal documents in your native language

Legal translation
  • Use appropriate and consistent terminology in your legal documents

  • User-friendly and fast concordance search in official legal documents of the EU

  • High quality official content published by the EU – treaties, legislation, jurisprudence and preparatory documents from EUR‑Lex.

  • Intelligent automatic search – Juremy returns both exact and approximate matches

  • Filtering results based on court and source of law

  • Suitable to search for expressions, phrases and longer passages of text

Public sector
  • Contains EU Treaties, Directives, Regulations and Decisions in all 24 EU languages

  • Sectoral vocabulary easily available in your language - agriculture, consumer protection, competition law, customs and trade, public health, energy, transport, among others

  • Quick translation to your local language thanks to bilingual view

  • Searchable database of the legislative proposals by the Commission (COM documents)

  • Links provided to the Commission’s official document site

Start Searching EU Terminology
14-day free trial | No card required
Watch our Demo Videos
Meet the Founders
Timea & Robin, the founders of Juremy
Timea is an attorney and registered member of the Hungarian Bar Association. She has 7 years of experience as a legal translator for the Court of Justice of the European Union in FR-HU and EN-HU language pairs.
Robin is an all-round software engineer. He worked at Ericsson, was a search backend developer at EPAM, and was the tech lead of a small team at Google. He is passionate about building user-centric features.
Gallery of Select Use Cases
Case 1: Bilingual phrase matches from the EUR‑Lex corpus, with metadata, topic and textual context.
Case 2: Whole-sentence concordance and IATE term extraction.
Case 3: Bringing IATE term matches with EuroVoc topic markup...
Case 4: ... from various topic domains of customizable priority.
Case 5: Search interface integrated into Trados Studio via plugin.
Case 6: Automatic full-corpus fuzzy search within the Trados Studio plugin.
Fast and efficient concordance search in the official EU corpus by search term or document number.
Documents published on the European Commission’s official EUR‑Lex site and the IATE database.
Intelligent Search
Automatically performs intelligent searches such as phrase autocomplete, word stem matching or unaccented search.
Time Saving
Spares hours of work for an EU translator by reducing time spent on each terminology lookup to only a few seconds.
Juremy is an EU concordance search tool which makes terminology search very efficient. We tried it, and it was love at first sight!
Orsolya Bugár‑Buday
Orsolya Bugár‑Buday
EU-accredited conference interpreter and translator
I work on EU-related documents covering a wide variety of topics. Juremy has become an indispensable part of my workflow.
David Bequé
David Bequé
Legal and financial translator