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GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS of Juremy.com (obsolete version)

Last updated: **11th January 13th May 2024

1. The agreement

1.1. Juremy is a Software-as-a-Service provided by Juremy Information Technology Services Limited Liability Company (seat: H-1036 Budapest, Bécsi str. 85. ground floor 1, Hungary, registered by the Budapest-Capital Regional Court under no. Cg.01-09-394315, EU VAT No. HU27549663), hereinafter “Juremy”, for the users of the juremy.com website (“Website”). Users of the Website (“Customer”) shall have access to use the concordance search tool application via the Website (“Services”), depending on the type of agreement between Juremy and the Customer. These conditions regulate Juremy’s provision and the Customer’s receipt and use of the Services, as well as other contractual conditions between Juremy and the Customer arising as a result thereof.

1.2. Upon registering on the Website, accessing its content, using the Services or purchasing a subscription via the Website, the Customer shall become bound by these conditions. The acceptance of the present terms and conditions by clicking in a checkbox before submitting registration is a precondition to use the Services. The Services are aimed at business entities and not for consumers. By accepting the present Terms and Conditions, the Customer represents and warrants that it shall not use the Services outside of its business activity.

1.3. The Parties hereby agree to derogate from the provisions set out in Section 5 Subsection (2) and in Section 6 Subsections (1) and (2) of the Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and on Information Society Services („E-Commerce Act”) in connection with the present Terms and Conditions and relating to any use of the Services, and the Parties hereby agree not to apply the above mentioned provisions of the E-Commerce Act.

1.4. In case if the Customer purchases a subscription outside the Website by entering into a separate written contract with Juremy, the Customer shall become bound by that contract’s conditions, while the present Terms and Conditions shall be applied as subsidiary rules. By accepting these conditions, the Customer shall consent to being bound by conditions for all use of the Services (“Agreement”).

1.5. Juremy shall be entitled to amend these conditions at any time, including but not limited to amendments made due to legal changes, due to technical necessity, in the event of change in market conditions or for the benefit of Customer. The amendments shall apply immediately after the amendment is published on the Website.

1.6. The registered office, place of business and electronic mail address of Juremy’s data hosting service provider related to user data are the following: Name: Hetzner Online GmbH (91710 Gunzenhausen, Industriestr. 25., Germany) E-mail address: [email protected]

2. Intellectual property rights

2.1. The Services, including all works on which the Services are based, such as computer programs (including plugins), databases, written documentation (jointly referred to as “Juremy Software”), layout, articles, design, including but not limited to any content, work, etc. displayed on the Website or on any third party website or surface, event, brochure, etc., are protected by the Hungarian Act on Copyright (Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright ) and corresponding legislation in the EU and in other countries, as well as other applicable rules concerning intellectual property rights. Ownership of the Services and the associated intellectual property and related rights, with the sole exception of the original EUR-Lex and IATE databases, shall vest in Juremy exclusively.

2.2. Juremy is the holder of exclusive rights to the Juremy Software, the Services, and the databases backing the Services (“Databases”). The Databases, as a derivative work, are based upon

a) the original EUR-Lex database, the sole right holder of which is the ©European Union, https://eur-lex.europa.eu , 1998-2024’, pursuant to the legal notice published on the following website: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/content/legal-notice/legal-notice.html?locale=en#droits . According to the terms specified therein, reuse of the EUR-Lex data for commercial or non-commercial purposes is authorised provided the source is acknowledged, see the details above.

b) the original IATE database, the sole rightholder of which is the ©European Union, 1995-2024, https://iate.europa.eu/download-iate , pursuant to the legal notice published on the following website: https://iate.europa.eu/legal-notice . According to the terms specified therein, ‘The data made available is not copyright protected, and can therefore be freely downloaded and reproduced, for personal use or for further non-commercial or commercial dissemination’.

2.3. The use of the Services or the subscription shall not involve any transfer of any rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights such as copyright, patents, utility models, trademarks, design rights and/or other intellectual property rights, regardless whether in tangible or intangible form and including but not limited to ideas, inventions, know how, data, source code, documentation, databases, reports, designs, concepts, software, hardware, processes, methods, technologies and/or any other information related to the Services (“Intellectual Property Rights”). The Customer shall respect the Intellectual Property Rights of Juremy and its licensors to the databases that are utilized through the Services. The Customer may not disassemble or decompile any part of the Services or make any changes to the program code, or create programs or services based on the Services or any constituent components thereof.

2.4. The Customer shall not be entitled to assign this agreement or grant any license to the Services or parts thereof to a third party.

2.5. The Juremy Database, including aligned bilingual segments and terms, shall not under any circumstances be extracted, transferred, copied, included in other databases or reused in any other form for the purposes of creating a derivative database or service based on the Juremy Database for commercial purposes.

3. Right of access to the Services

3.1 Usage terms

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Juremy shall grant to the Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable permission to access the Juremy Services during the term of this Agreement, as specified in the respective Appendix and/or User Manual, and on the Website, for its own business internal professional purposes and commercial exploitation. for the number of users included in the agreement between the Parties.

Through this agreement, the Customer acquires a right to use the Services in accordance with the conditions set out herein. In no way shall this mean that the Customer acquires any ownership, license rights to the Juremy Software or Databases, or more extensive rights to the Services other than as expressly set out in these conditions.

Irrespective of the type of access which the Customer has acquired as defined in sections 3.1.3. - 3.1.4. including the case when the Customer uses the Services via a plugin which integrates the Services with a third party service, the number of Query Characters performed on a calendar day shall not exceed 50,000 (fifty thousand) per each user or seat (“Query cap”). A “Query Character” is a character entered into the search box of the Services, either in the browser or via a Plugin, and it shall be counted without whitespaces, with exactly matching queries deduplicated on an hourly basis. If the Customer exceeds the Query cap within a calendar day, it shall be construed as misuse and Juremy shall be entitled to proceed according to section 5.5. of this Agreement.

The Customer shall not access or use the Website for any purpose other than what is indicated on the Website or in the present terms and conditions and for which Juremy makes the Website and the Services available.

The Customer shall not use the Juremy Software Software, Database and Services to program any products or to develop programming solutions or databases for any products, including without limitation any other search tools. The Customer shall use the Services only in accordance with good practices.

Customer acknowledges that the Software and the Services, and their structure, organization, and source code constitute valuable trade secrets of Juremy and its licensors. The Customer shall take all necessary steps to protect the Juremy Software, and Services against unauthorized use and disclosure to third parties including, but not limited to the following: (a) Customer shall not license, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, host, outsource, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the Juremy Software, (b) Customer shall not modify, make derivative works of, disassemble, reverse compile or reverse engineer any part of the Software (c) Customer shall not access or use the Juremy Software or Services in order to build a similar or competitive product or service; and (d) except as expressly permitted in Section 3, no part of the Juremy Software or Services may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, or other means. Customer shall preserve all copyright and other proprietary rights notices in the Juremy Software and Services, and all copies of the foregoing.

3.1.1. Use of the Services without registration

The Services are not available for Customers without a registered account.

3.1.2. Use of the Services with registration but without subscription (Limited Access)

Customers who registered an account on the Website are entitled to use full functionality of the Services for an initial limited period of time (“Trial Period”), detailed in the User Manual. Individuals who shall use the Services from one device at a time should choose the “Individual user” account, while companies or groups of users shall choose the “Multi-user account” option when signing up. Upon expiration of the Trial Period, Customers who have not signed up for a subscription pursuant to section 6 herein, are entitled to use the Services on a regular basis, in compliance with Juremy’s User Manual on the following link: https://juremy.com/manual , however with a significantly limited number of queries per day, as defined in the User Manual (“Limited Access”).

3.1.3. Use of the Services with subscription (Premium Access) or during Trial Period

Customers with subscription shall use the entirety of functionalities of the Services as defined herein, for a definite period and for the number of users defined in the respective subscription agreement (“Premium Access”). When offered a trial period, the Customer shall be entitled to use the full version of Services for a limited period of time without subscription.

3.1.4. Use of beta or test versions of the Services

Juremy may provide all or individual Customers, upon its discretion, with additional functions in beta versions for the purposes of beta testing (“Beta functions”). Beta functions, before their release as part of the Services, shall not be construed as “Services” within the meaning of the present agreement, as they are still being evaluated and may not be as reliable as other Services contained herein. Beta functions are intended for voluntary test use by the Customer, the feedback on which shall be evaluated by Juremy. Since Beta functions are not features and not part of the Services, they may contain bugs or other inaccuracies. Customers shall use Beta Services at their sole discretion and AT THEIR OWN RISK. JUREMY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH BETA FUNCTIONS. Juremy is entitled to change, adapt or cancel the development of or access to the Beta functions at any time.

3.2 Subscription plans

Customers are able to choose between different subscription plans indicated on the Website under the “Pricing” menu.

3.2.1 Freelancer subscriptions

In case of a Freelancer subscription, the Services shall comprise a single subscription for a single user. For the purposes of this agreement, “user” is defined as a natural person who uses the Services for business purposes. A user that used the Services may be replaced by another user who performs the same work or assignment providing the first user is effectively prevented from using the Services. The user of a solo subscription is entitled to use the Services from one device at the same time. The features which are available in the Services might differ according to multiple subscription tiers, as indicated on the “Pricing” page of the Website.

3.2.2 Seat-based Team subscriptions (only applicable to Team subscriptions started before 1st of May, 2023)

In case of a Seat-based Team subscription, the Services shall comprise a subscription for at least 2 simultaneous users. Customers are entitled to add more users upon the payment of an additional fee per additional user per month.

Seat-based Team subscriptions are functioning as a “concurrent license”, allowing the agreed number of authorized users, in respect of which the subscription payment has been made, to have access to the Services at the same time with one set of login credentials. In case of Team subscriptions, a limited number of purchased licenses for the Services are shared among a larger number of users over time within the Customer’s organization. When an authorised user wishes to have access to the Services, it requests a license from a central pool of available licenses and these can be accessed concurrently by the number of users indicated in the subscription payment.

3.2.3 Usage-based Team subscriptions (not being offered currently)

Different Usage-based Team subscriptions are offered based on the following parameters:

  • maximum number of Query Characters included in the search queries performed in Juremy per month,
  • maximum number of individual users who are entitled to access the Services in relation to a given Subscription,
  • a certain scope of functionalities included in the given subscription plan. In case if the Team exceeds the monthly character limit, an overage payment is due according to the pricing conditions as published by Juremy.

3.2.4 Team subscriptions for multiple named users

Different Multi-user Team subscriptions are offered on the Website based on the following parameters:

  • maximum number of individual named users who are entitled to access the Services in relation to a given Subscription,
  • a certain scope of functionalities included in the given subscription plan, as published on the Website
  • payment frequency.

Multiple Named-user Team subscriptions include a set of individual login credentials for each team member. Team subscriptions for named users are available upon registering a Team Account on the Website. The Team administrator is entitled to manage the team account in terms of subscription payment and user management. The team administrator is entitled to grant access to certain team members and to deactivate members’ access to the Services. The Team account consists of a pool of allowed and disallowed users (active or inactive access to the Services). The Team administrator shall be entitled to activate the access of inactive Team members and disallow access of active team members no more than once each month per user. The Team administrator shall replace all individual Named-users in a Team subscription no more than once a month.

3.2.5 Team subscriptions based on individual agreement

Multi-user subscriptions for the Services including a larger number of users may be offered by Juremy following an individual request by the Customer. If an agreement concerning a multiuser subscription has been established through the Customer’s acceptance of the individual offer from Juremy, and not via the online checkout process provided by Juremy’s reseller Paddle Inc. or Paddle Ltd. on the Website (as defined in section 6 below), the Customer shall be entitled during the agreed agreement period to allow the Services to be utilized by the maximum number of users within the Customer’s business that the offer specifies.

3.3 Provision of log-in information

Information on the technical manner in which the Services are provided and the procedure that the Customer should follow to gain access to it shall be given by Juremy on the Website.

The Customer shall be given access to the Services through customer-specific log-in information via email. The log-in information that the Customer receives is personal, and unless otherwise instructed by Juremy in writing, may not be disclosed for use by any party other than the Customer herself or in case of a Team or Multiuser subscription, to users within the Customer’s organization. The log-in information shall not be used for any purpose other than the normal use of the Services provided by Juremy at any given time. The Customer shall undertake to store and manage the log-in information in such a manner that unauthorised use is prevented.

3.4 Academic access

Juremy may provide academic access to university research groups or university classes and their teachers, based on individual agreements. Users holding an academic access shall not be entitled to use the Services for their own business purposes being outside the scope of the educational purpose for which the academic agreement has been concluded.

3.5 Plugin License Agreement to use Juremy Plugins

Juremy may release different plugins and updated versions thereto to connect the Services to third-party applications or software, including but not restricted to CAT tools like SDL Trados Studio (“Juremy Plugin”). The use of these third-party applications are subject to the terms of service provided by their vendor. Juremy Plugin is a software providing integration between the Services and third party applications. The usability of such Juremy Plugins is subject to an existing subscription or other type of access to the Services based on an Agreement between the Customer and Juremy. Juremy shall not be held liable for any damages arising in connection with the use of the Third-party application to which the Juremy plugin is connected.

By installing a Juremy Plugin from an app store, Customer (for the purposes of the present section: Licensee) agrees to the terms and conditions stipulated in the present section. This Plugin License Agreement is effective on the date Licensee first installs or accesses the Juremy Plugin and will continue until (a) Juremy terminates this Agreement by sending written notice of termination to the other party (including via email) or (b) Licensee terminates the Agreement by ceasing to access the Plugin.

Subject to the terms of this Plugin License Agreement, Juremy grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, limited license to use the Juremy Plugin during the term of this Agreement, for Licensee’s internal business purposes. Customers shall use the Juremy Plugin at their sole discretion and at their own risk.

Licensee shall not, and will not allow end users or third parties under its control to: (i) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, decompile, translate, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to extract any of the source code of the Juremy Plugin (except to the extent such restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law); (ii) sublicense, transfer, or distribute any of the Juremy Plugin; (iii) sell, resell, or otherwise make the Plugin available to a third party as part of a commercial offering. Juremy shall retain all right, title and interest to the Juremy Plugin. All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved by Juremy.

Under this Agreement, Juremy shall not be obliged to provide any technical support or maintenance for the Juremy Plugin. Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining and installing all proper hardware and support software (including operating systems) and for proper installation and implementation of the Juremy Plugin.

The Juremy Plugin is provided “as is” and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Juremy does not make any warranties of any kind with respect to the Plugin (including any SLAs), including warranties of noninfringement or error-free or uninterrupted use of any component of the Juremy Plugin, and Juremy shall have no liability arising out of or in connection with the download and/or use of the Plugin.

All questions not regulated in the present section 3.5 shall be governed by the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, which shall be the subsidiary regulation to this Plugin License Agreement.

4. Juremy’s responsibilities, warranty

4.1. During the term of this agreement, Juremy will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Services under this agreement, and to rectify or provide solutions to problems where the Juremy software does not function as described in the documentation. HOWEVER, JUREMY DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED OR THAT ANY SERVICE WILL BE ERROR FREE. THESE TERMS ARE ONLY APPLICABLE TO JUREMY SERVICES THAT ARE USED THROUGH A SUPPORTED BROWSER VERSION AS SPECIFIED IN THE USER MANUAL AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE. To be able to use Juremy Services according to the present Terms, the Customer needs to have access to an active internet connection.

4.2. Juremy strives to develop the Services as high quality as possible, but does not guarantee that it continuously functions faultlessly or completely. Juremy provides the Services “as is” and “as available”, without express or implied warranty or condition of any kind.

Juremy shall not be responsible for ensuring that the Services can be used with full functionality together with any form of hardware or software currently or previously available on the market.

4.3. The current databases that are included in the Services at any given time, depending on the Services chosen, are specified on juremy.com/manual . Juremy shall have the right to modify or extend the scope of databases included in the Services.

4.4. Juremy shall not be responsible for the accuracy of the content of the databases that are to be used for the provision of the Services or for any other information or service that is provided by third parties and linked to the Services.

4.5. Juremy shall be entitled to temporarily interrupt provision of the Services without giving notice in advance thereof if, in the view of Juremy, such interruption is necessary for technical alterations, service maintenance, software changes, renewal of the Services or its content or for other similar reasons. Juremy does not guarantee any specific level of availability for the Services. The Customer shall also be aware that Juremy is unable to have any influence over the internet connection services and shall therefore also be unable to accept responsibility for the functional reliability of the aforementioned distribution or for other interruptions that are due to the Customer’s Internet connection or other similar circumstances. The Customer shall not be entitled to reimbursement of fees paid except in cases where the availability of the Services has been materially reduced over a long period of time as a result of negligence on the part of Juremy.

4.6. Limitation of liability

Juremy’s total liability to the Customer for all claims or suits of any kind, whether based upon agreement, tort (including negligence), warranty, strict liability or otherwise for any losses, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of, resulting from or related to the performance or breach of this agreement shall, under no circumstances, exceed the price actually paid for the respective agreement, as may be amended from time to time in writing, unless otherwise specified by law.

Juremy disclaims all responsibility for, inter alia any defects, deficiencies in the marketability of the Services or its unsuitability for a particular purpose.

Juremy disclaims all liability for any loss that may be caused by the Services and/or the Website or the non-provision or erroneous provision of the Services or for the fact that the Services and/or the Website could not be used for a particular purpose, even if this should have been known to Juremy. In particular, Juremy shall accept no liability for indirect losses, including the loss of data, lost profits or income or other consequential losses. If an entitlement to reimbursement should arise in a particular case, Juremy’s total liability for reduction of the purchase price and damages shall at all times be limited to the amount corresponding to the purchase price paid by the Customer for the Services. Juremy shall under no circumstances be liable for damages, losses or lost profits in the commercial operation of the Customer or any other party.

5. The Customer’s responsibilities

5.1. The Customer may only use the Services in accordance with these conditions and the User Manual as published on the Website. Juremy shall not be responsible for any damages caused by the misuse of the Services.

5.2. The Customer shall be responsible for any loss that is caused to Juremy or other subscribers by Juremy’s Services as a result of the Customer’s equipment or the Customer’s measures in connection with the use of the Services. The Customer shall be obliged to keep Juremy informed of changes in respect of the email address via which Juremy can communicate with the Customer. Unless otherwise specified by the Customer, the email address from which the Customer logged in when ordering the Services shall be deemed to constitute the Customer’s email address.

5.3. A Customer is entitled to benefit from the Free Trial once. The Customer shall not register more than one email address for its own use for the purpose of renewing the free trial period after its expiry (also known as trial hopping). If the Customer has disclosed the user identification that he received from Juremy to another party, the Customer shall also be liable for the financial loss that Juremy suffers as a result of another party’s unauthorised use of the Customer’s identification. In such cases, Juremy shall always be entitled to receive compensation corresponding to the price that should have been paid for the usage that took place.

5.4. Juremy shall be entitled to monitor the use of the Services for the purposes of verifying compliance with the present Agreement. Juremy shall furthermore be entitled to monitor the number of searches made through the Services in order to determine the type of subscription plan according to the conditions set forth in sections 3.1.1-3.1.3.. The customer shall make sure that Juremy can monitor the use and the searches during the whole Agreement period.

5.5. In the event of an obvious breach of the conditions in this section 5 or any other misuse, or in case the Customer does not make sure that Juremy can monitor or prevents Juremy from monitoring the number of searches made through the Services, Juremy reserves the right to claim damages and shall be entitled to close the Customer’s access to the Services and the Customer’s user identification. In such cases, the Customer shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of any payments made for the period concerned. In the event of closure of the Services, the Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the provisions set out in section 7 below.

6. Price and payment

The applicable subscription price will be stated on the Website.

When ordering a monthly subscription, the subscription shall run until the same day in the next month (e.g. from 15 January until 15 February), until terminated in accordance with these conditions. The Customer is able to pay the monthly fee that is specified on the Website at the time the order concerned is placed through an external reseller of the Service.

6.1. Paddle.com as reseller

When using Paddle Pay services provided by Paddle.com Market Limited (15 Briery Close Great Oakley, Corby Northamptonshire, NN18 8JG United Kingdom ) or Paddle Payments Limited (Core B, Block 71, The Plaza Park West Dublin 12 Ireland) (hereafter jointly as “Paddle”) to make a subscription purchase on the Website, responsibility over the Customer’s purchase will first be transferred to Paddle before it is delivered to the Customer. Paddle is the Merchant of Record for single-user subscriptions and, in case of subscription orders placed via the Website where no individual agreement has been concluded between Juremy and Customer, for multi-user subscriptions as well, and is responsible for the order process. Paddle assumes responsibility for payment, security, payment related customer support and handles refunds according to Paddle’s general terms and conditions available at https://paddle.com/legal-buyers/ . The terms between Paddle services provider and Customers who utilize the services of Paddle are governed by separate agreements and are not subject to the Terms on this website.

With respect to Customers making purchases through PaddlePay services provider checkout, (i) the General Terms and Privacy Policy of Paddle.com Market Limited services provider shall apply to all payments and should be reviewed before making any purchase, and (ii) the Paddle services provider Refund Policy shall apply to all payments unless notice is expressly provided by the relevant supplier to buyers in advance.

The Customer is responsible for any fees, taxes or other costs associated with the purchase of the Services resulting from charges imposed by the Customer’s relationship with payment services providers or the duties and taxes imposed by the Customer’s local customs officials or other regulatory body.

In case of single user subscriptions, and, if applicable, multi-user subscriptions purchased via Paddle, payment account details (Customer name, email address, credit card details) will be entered through a separate payment overlay (“iframe”) hosted and secured by Paddle.com, displayed over the Juremy.com website. Subsequently, Paddle handles charging Customer with the subscription fee on a recurring basis, and notifies Juremy about the success of the charging events. Juremy doesn’t have access and is not a controller of any credit card details. The terms and conditions and privacy policy of Paddle shall apply to these transactions, which are available on this website: https://paddle.com/legal-buyers/ . Any questions related to the payment transactions should be addressed to Paddle.net.

Questions related to subscriptions purchased through Paddle payment services provider should be addressed primarily to Juremy at [email protected] . Juremy will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to provide the required information, however, in case if the question relates to the payment service provided by Paddle, or otherwise falls within the competence of Paddle, Juremy shall redirect the handling of the question to Paddle, by directing Customer to https://paddle.net/ . In these cases, if the Customer does not receive a reply from Juremy within 5 business days, the question shall be addressed directly to contacts listed at https://paddle.net/.

When ordering an annual subscription, the subscription runs for twelve (12) months at the time. If the annual subscription is not terminated with 48 hours notice prior to the expiry of the twelve (12) months’ term, the subscription shall be extended by twelve (12) months. The Customer shall pay the agreed annual fee in advance. As regards changes in prices and conditions, see section 1.4 above. For annual subscriptions, payment for the subsequent years following the first agreement year will be debited the business day one year after the first payment was debited.

Payment shall be made at the time of purchase. Through the payment, the Customer agrees to allow Paddle to debit payments for each year or each month during which the agreement is valid. When an order has been placed, the Customer’s credit card is checked and the transaction executed immediately. For monthly subscriptions, payment for the subsequent months following the first agreement month will be debited from the Customer’s credit card each calendar month during which the agreement is valid.

Paid Subscriptions automatically renew until cancelled. Paddle will notify the Customer if the price of a Paid Subscription increases and, if required, seek the Customer’s consent to continue. Please make sure you provide your order number and the email address used to purchase your order.

In case the Customer is offered a trial period of the Services, upon expiration of the trial period the Customer shall be directed to the Paddle payment interface where the monthly or annual subscription can be chosen, and the respective payment transaction as set out above shall be executed.

6.2. Payment directly to Juremy

If the Customer has a multiuser subscription based on individual agreement concluded directly with Juremy, payment shall be made by wire transfer upon receipt of an invoice from Juremy. All invoices issued by Juremy shall be paid via wire transfer to the bank account and before the respective payment date stated on the invoice.

Payments due pursuant to this Agreement may be billed through Juremy or Paddle depending on the type of purchase according to the above conditions.

7. Agreement period and termination of the agreement

The agreement shall be valid from the date on which the Customer starts using the Services, registers on the Website or purchases a subscription via the Website, in accordance with section 6. and thereafter until further notice until the agreement is terminated in accordance with section 7.1. or 7.2.

7.1 Termination by the Customer

The Customer shall can terminate the subscription anytime by choosing the Cancellation option in writing (or via email) the Settings menu on the Website. By clicking on the link “Cancel Paddle Subscription”, the subscription will be terminated with effect from the next renewal date. Alternatively, the Customer can also terminate the subscription in email addressed to [email protected] , or, in the event that such a possibility is offered, by contacting Paddle at https://paddle.net/charge at least 48 hours before the end of the billing period. Please make sure you provide your order number and period, indicating the email address used to purchase your order. Your at subscription. The cancellation will take effect at the next payment date. There are no refunds on unused subscription periods.

Upon termination of a monthly subscription, the agreement shall cease to apply at the end of the current (rolling) subscription month. In case of termination of the annual subscription by Customer, the agreement shall cease to apply on the last day of the (rolling) subscription year for which the Customer has paid in accordance with section 6., subject to termination in accordance with what is set out in section 6. The Customer shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any payment that has already been made for the annual subscription.

If the subscription has been purchased by wire transfer to Juremy’s account, the Customer shall be entitled to terminate the subscription by writing an email to [email protected] . In these cases the same notice periods shall apply as described in the present section above.

7.2. Termination by Juremy

In the event that Juremy does not receive payment of the annual or the monthly subscription fee in accordance with section 6 from the Customer via Paddle, Juremy will send a written notification about the failure of the payment, and at the same time indicate the date of the next recovery attempt. If the second recovery attempt fails, the Customer shall only be entitled to Limited Access until the past due payment is received by Juremy. Juremy is entitled to cancel the unlimited access to the Services anytime if the Customer has not paid any due subscription fee after having been sent a written (email) notification by Juremy.

In the event that Juremy does not receive payment of an annual or monthly subscription that is paid against an invoice issued by Juremy eight (8) days after the invoice due date, Juremy shall be entitled to deny the Customer access to the Services with unlimited access with immediate effect. Juremy shall thereafter be entitled to cancel the subscription with immediate effect in the event that, after receiving a payment reminder, the Customer fails to pay the outstanding fee by the deadline specified in the payment reminder. Cancellation of the subscription due to failure to pay any outstanding fee shall not affect the Customer’s right to use the Services with Limited Access, provided that the Customer complies with all provisions of the present Terms and Conditions.

If Juremy denies the Customer access to the Services in accordance with section 2.5, this section, the agreement shall terminate with immediate effect.

Juremy shall furthermore be entitled to terminate the Services on any reasonable grounds other than as specified in 2.5, here, whereupon the agreement shall cease to apply from the end of the month that occurs immediately after the date on which Juremy enforced the termination of the Services through notification thereof to the email address that the Customer uses as his user name when logging in to the Services or, in the case of a multiuser subscription, the email address that the Customer most recently notified to Juremy. If the Customer holds an annual subscription, upon termination by Juremy in accordance with this section, the agreement shall cease to apply from the end of the last month of the year for which the Customer has paid in accordance with section 6.1.

7.3. Termination with immediate effect

This Agreement may be terminated with immediate effect by written notice of either Party, if the other Party breaches any material provisions of this Agreement and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after the receipt of written notice thereof from the terminating party. Upon termination with immediate effect, the agreement shall cease to apply with immediate effect, whereupon the Services shall be closed.

7.4. Paused subscription

Upon agreement of the Parties, Juremy is entitled to pause a subscription effective after the last day of the given payment period (monthly or yearly plan). When a subscription is paused, the Customer is not obliged to pay any subscription fees, and he will be provided a Limited Access to the Services in the period when the subscription is paused. If the Customer wishes to reactivate his unlimited access to the Services, he is entitled to restart the subscription in compliance with the previous payment terms, without having to register a new account to the Services.

8. Force majeure

Juremy shall not be liable for any inconvenience, damage or loss caused by circumstances outside the control of Juremy. Juremy shall thus be exempt from liability for any interruptions or disruptions caused by circumstances outside Juremy’s control, e.g. accidents, national emergency, lightning strikes, fire, war, riots, flooding, severe weather or action or failure to act on the part of an authority or another external party.

9. Personal data and confidential information, data security

9.1. Juremy is the data controller of personal data provided in connection with the Services or in any other way registered in connection with the provision of the Services, with the exception of external data controllers (e.g. Paddle) who contributes in the sale and purchase of the Services. The Customer may read more about our processing of personal data in our Privacy Policy: https://www.juremy.com/privacy . The Customer shall personally be responsible for ensuring that the user name and password are kept secret, so that no unauthorized persons can use this information.

9.2. The Website uses cookies. By registering to our Website and agreeing to these terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have been notified about the use of cookies in accordance with the terms defined therein.

9.3. Parties shall keep confidential any and all information, data or fact relating to the present Agreement and the Services fulfilled thereunder as business secret (hereinafter: “Confidential Information”). Neither of the Parties shall be entitled to publish the Confidential Information or disclose it to any unauthorized third party without the prior written consent of the other Party. Parties shall not be entitled to disclose to third parties, publish, utilize in any manner or use the Confidential Information contrary to the interests of the other party and/or the client of the other party even following the termination of the present Agreement.

9.4. Notwithstanding the previous section, Confidential information shall not include any information that: (a) was publicly available or released to the public domain at any time prior to disclosure by any party, (b) becomes publicly known or generally available after disclosure by any party through no wrongful action or inaction of the other party, (c) information that is in the party’s possession or known by the party at any time prior to its disclosure; (d) is rightfully disclosed to the party by a third party that is not subject to any restrictions; or (e) a party can demonstrate was developed independently by that party without use of the other party’s Confidential Information.

9.5. Data privacy relating to information entered by Customer when using the Services

When using the Services, Customers enter various query words or expressions into the search field of the Website (“Query Content”). Juremy does not store any Query Content on its servers, and does not transfer any Query Content or any part of the Query Content to third parties, unless it is explicitly requested by the Customer in writing for the purposes of troubleshooting. Even in such cases when the Query Content is stored by Juremy at the explicit request of the Customer, Juremy will only store Query Content on its own dedicated servers located in the EU, and only to the extent and only for the period which is required to analyse and solve any technical issues occurring during the processing of a search request which may compromise Juremy’s ability to provide the Services. The above mentioned data privacy conditions stipulating that no Query Content is stored on Juremy’s servers equally apply to the period of the Free Trial, and the period after the expiry of the Free Trial. For the explicitly requested troubleshooting purposes mentioned above, access to the Query Content is limited to Juremy employees who are bound by secrecy and confidentiality agreements regarding the accessed content.

During the provision of the Services, Juremy shall be entitled to store metadata-only query log files for the purposes of security, statistical analysis and billing, however such log files shall not contain the Query Content itself, but only metadata such as time stamp or size of the query text.

10. Applicable law and competent court

This agreement shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with Hungarian law.

Disputes concerning this agreement or legal circumstances arising therefrom shall be resolved by court of general jurisdiction in Hungary, with Budapest district court as first instance.

For customer service inquiries or disputes, You may contact us by email at: [email protected] .