Happy New Year from the Juremy Team!
This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary of Juremy, which we launched with the vision of developing a user-friendly research tool for EU legal and technical terminology. It’s been great to share each new functionality with you which we added to our search tool in this spirit, and we’ll continue bringing you new ones in the future as well. Thank you for joining us in this journey!
Article Contents
Major developments added to Juremy in 2024
Based on your feedback and also drawing inspiration from our own experience, we added several new functionalities to the UI and the search engine itself, and we also brought you an expanded and more frequently updated database.

New search features
Corrigendum indicator
This feature has been created to save you the time spent on checking if a given hit document has been rectified with retroactive effect to its publication. The indicator displays whether the hit document is affected by target-language or source-language corrigenda, and links you to the full text of the corrigendum. It helps you avoid the risk of using obsolete terminology.
Document title search with links is back!
This popular feature has undergone some improvements and is now back in an enhanced format. For basic plans it will bring exact document hits and quick-links to the original source based on document number, document (short) name or title phrase, while for advanced plans it will also display smart search results based on these parameters.
In the screenshot below, the green pills indicate exact document results (including search by popular name or abbreviation, such as “GDPR” or “Insurance Distribution Directive”), while the blue pills show smart search results.

On the pro plan, you can switch to full document result metadata view (on the right settings panel), which would display the document title and metadata already familiar from the concordance view, instead of the pill-based results.

New database content
The serving database of EUR-Lex documents has been enlarged by international agreements, complementary legislation and EFTA documents (Celex sectors 2, 4, and E).
Smart search for IATE terms
In addition to exact hits, IATE term search now brings you additional smart search results like autocompleted text, relaxed word positions or stemmed search.
Improved IATE hit display
Based on IATE’s metadata, more entry- and term-level details are displayed next to the hits. These include term owner institution, entry origin region and primarity status. Read the updated metadata section of our manual for a more detailed description.
Weekly database update is available
For advanced and team plans the weekly update brings you the most up-to-date results. The results might even be more recent, but the weekly synchronisation is guaranteed.
Prioritize reference document hits (pro feature)
We are very happy to bring you this long-awaited feature, which has been on our to-do list for a while. Whenever you wish to prioritize search results coming from a set of specific EUR-Lex documents, you can simply mark these as a reference document on the UI. Juremy will then bring segment hits from the chosen documents on the top of the result list.

User interface developments
Paging and document count display
The new pagination mode displays the total number of segment hits, also indicating the total number of pages in each search category, as well as the number of hit documents corresponding to your search criteria.
Adjustable fuzzy threshold levels
Juremy now gives you the option to choose between relaxed, medium and strict levels of fuzzy matching in the right-side menu.
Fallback languages for search (advanced feature)
If there is a source hit from EUR‑Lex, but the document is not available in your target language, Juremy would look up alternative target language versions in the fallback languages that you have set in the right-side menu.
Customizable sorting and preferences (advanced feature)
You can now decide if you want to use certain parameters as filters or preferences, by dragging the various parameters (such as document date preference, shortness of segment or topic), and setting your own priority order .
New integration: memoQ plugin
Since last July, memoQ users can also enjoy the enhanced search experience in their CAT-tool via our new integration. Just like the Trados Studio plugin, the memoQ plugin can be downloaded for free , and it works based on the online browser access to Juremy for advanced, pro and team plans.
Check out memoQ’s integration page and the recorded webinar Legal Translation Done Right: The memoQ-Juremy Integration on the memoQ website.
Maximum data privacy and confidentiality
No retention of query texts: The confidentiality of your query text is of essential importance for us. That’s why we implemented a safe data processing environment which guarantees that your query is securely encrypted, processed on EU-hosted servers, and is never stored on persistent media. If you are interested in the technical background of how we implement this, check out our articles: part 1 and part 2 .

Test the full functionality of customized EU terminology search
Interested in testing all of our new features? As announced in our newsletter, we have launched a testing period with all current Juremy features available to our existing users until 28 January. Newly registered users have access to all advanced and pro features during the trial period.
If you would like to test these functionalities on your own running projects, now you have the possibility to do so, no matter which plan you are signed up to. Open Juremy and start searching now!

Conferences, workshops and new professional partnerships
We had the chance to participate in several in-person language industry events in 2024, either as attendees or also as presenters. Providing the possibility to keep up-to-date with the ever-changing environment in the translation field, these events offered valuable insights and inspiration, and great networking. We plan to share with you what we’ve learned in a blog article soon. Stay tuned!
Here are the events we visited in person in 2024:
- ELIA Together (21-23 February, Riga)
- EULITA Conference & General Assembly (19-20 April, Athens)
- memoQfest (13-14 June, Budapest)
- Translating Europe Workshop (27 September, BME-INYK, Budapest)
- Translating Europe Forum (6-8 November, Brussels)
- FIT for Market conference by FIT Europe, ELTE, MFTE (29 November, Budapest)
Last year we also had the pleasure to enter into new partnerships with professional associations and academia. We are proud to partner with organizations in the translation field from across Europe and beyond. For more information please visit our continuously updated Partners page . Thank you to our partners for their support.

A few thoughts about the past year and our plans for 2025
2024 has been a very productive year for Juremy, with several developments and a new integration rolled out. All designed to provide you with a tool which is your reliable and smart companion in terminology research.
Generally speaking, 2024 has been nothing short of turbulent, with fast-paced changes in language technology and the language industry overall. However, there is one aspect that remains an indispensable factor: the decision-making process based on human thinking and domain-specific expertise.
For our part, it is exactly this crucial element of the workflow that we are committed to support you with in the future as well.
To make the best linguistic choices and to ensure accuracy, quick access to reliable and up-to-date text references is more essential than ever. This is where Juremy can help on multiple levels by its already established and newly developed functionalities.
This year we will focus on additional advanced document research functionalities and more metadata import from EUR-Lex. Stay tuned for upcoming product updates!
If you have development ideas you would like to see implemented in the future, do not keep it to yourself, we would like to hear more.
Thank you again for your continued trust in Juremy. We wish you a healthy, prosperous and productive 2025!